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  • Post category:Blog / News
  • Post published:Mar 9, 2020
  • Post last modified:Feb 26, 2024


In the heart of India’s bustling cities and serene countryside, schools stand as beacons of knowledge, shaping the future of the nation’s youth. However, beneath the surface of academic pursuit, a shadow looms large – violence in schools. This issue, pervasive and alarming, calls for immediate attention and action from all stakeholders involved in the educational ecosystem.

Understanding the Types of Violence in Schools

Violence in schools manifests in various forms, from physical altercations to psychological torment and the ever-growing menace of bullying, including its digital counterpart, cyberbullying. Each type poses significant threats to the safety and well-being of students, creating an environment of fear and anxiety that is antithetical to learning and growth.

Comparing Boarding Schools and Day Schools

The debate between boarding schools and day schools is longstanding, with safety often cited as a key concern. Boarding schools, with their controlled environments and round-the-clock supervision, offer a different setting compared to day schools, where students return to their homes each day, potentially facing different risks outside the school’s purview.

Advantages of Boarding Schools in Preventing Violence

Boarding schools are uniquely positioned to foster a safe and secure environment for students. The constant presence of peers and faculty members creates a closely-knit community, making it easier to monitor behavior and intervene when necessary. Structured programs focusing on character development and conflict resolution further equip students with the skills needed to navigate interpersonal relationships peacefully.

Challenges in Combating School Violence

Identifying the signs of violence and bullying remains a formidable challenge, as many incidents go unreported due to fear of retaliation or stigma. Teachers and administrative staff play a crucial role in recognizing and addressing these issues, but they require adequate training and resources to do so effectively.

Strategies for Prevention and Management

Preventing and managing violence in schools demands a comprehensive approach that includes the implementation of clear policies, regular training for staff, and active involvement from parents and guardians. Creating a culture of respect and empathy, alongside mechanisms for reporting and addressing grievances, can significantly reduce violence.


The issue of violence in schools in India is a complex problem that requires a multifaceted solution. By comparing the environments of boarding and day schools, it becomes evident that each has its role to play in creating a safer educational landscape. However, it is only through the collective efforts of educators, parents, policymakers, and the students themselves that we can hope to eradicate the shadow of violence from our schools, ensuring a safe and nurturing environment for all students.

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