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  • Post published:Feb 29, 2020
  • Post last modified:Feb 2, 2021

Strategy to get better responses in math class

Math is a subject that is not for everyone. Many people fear it or simply don’t like to engage in the mental gymnastics that entails with math problems. Many teachers often struggle to engage their students in gaining their interest in the subject. In several schools in Dehradun, teachers inculcate the habit of solving Mathematics problem in their students and try to boost the curiosity about Mathematics. I have been a math teacher at Ecole Globale International School for over eight years now; here is my strategy to help you boost your student’s interest in doing math-

Distinguishing the target-

Utilizing a “qualities based criticism” approach, the teacher made an arrangement that changed the look, sound, and feel of her study hall: Silence transformed into conversation and banter, and the students’ reliance on the teacher changed into freedom. Eventually, we made another system that supplanted customary whiteboard practice—which connected most students—to a structure that drew in them all.

This way, the students were driven more by consistency than excitement. They were situated in groups, yet the greater part of them wasn’t conversing with one another. With this activity, we observe that there appear to be three kinds of students in the class:

  1. Students who recovered the arrangement rapidly and sat hanging tight for the following question,
  2. Students who required some help however commonly searched out to the teacher for subsequent stages and
  3. Students who battled with the problem, incapable of completing the issue without help.

When the exercise is finished, we conclude: What might be the effective commitment here look and sound like to you?

Well, the answer is that we need the students to be talking more, we need to do less immediate guidance, and we need the students to cooperate, to create and impart their comprehension. Effective communication, regardless of math relevant, made a positive classroom condition where hard-working attitude and efficiency appeared to be esteemed and appreciated, which was a fundamental initial step, yet that there was space for development as far as accomplishing the sort of dynamic commitment a math teacher is trusted for.


We based the initial two stages of the new methodology we created on the teacher’s longing for students to possess energy for both independent work and group’s joint effort before checking the last answer. During the initial step, called Try It, students are to deal with the issue for two minutes freely; from that point onward, they will clarify and look at their answers in the Talk It step.

Place coloured cups at every table for the third step, Color It. After the first and second step, a discussion will prompt a procedure in which groups of students need to concede to one answer and utilize the cups to shading code to ascertain their answer. The teacher can use any colour for the options- correct, incorrect, maybe etc. and let the students determine their own colours (silently boosting their confidence and interest in the subject). This self-assessment step would empower the teacher to check the student’s understanding of the question and lesson in general—just as produce a more noteworthy feeling of direction and energy.

Then we have the next step Check It, in which each group hold up their picked whiteboard and checked with the correct answer.

Students would be talking as well as energetically discuss. They would be inquiring as to why and how of the correct answer as they disclosed their responses to one another. They would be teaming up to choose an answer and would be on the edge of their seats in the wake of picking shading, prepared to hear the appropriate response uncovered. What’s more, students who would put out the green cup and be right turned into the specialists, unhesitatingly disclosing their answer for the whole class.


At Ecole Globale International- the best boarding school for girls in Deehradun, every idea is important. Smaller than expected to instruct cycles like these impacts both student’s learning and teacher’s viability. The strategy mentioned above, we make a powerful technique that can be imparted to different teachers; however, the teacher accomplished her objective of expanding commitment and coordinated effort. At Ecole Globale, before the start of the session teachers are asked to chip in their ideas and prepare their plans ahead so that the teachers are well equipped to deal with each class and difficult subjects.

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