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What’s it like in all girls school?


 What can you expect when being in an all-girls school? Most of the girls are actually very nice and friendly, but there is still a handful that can be mean. We have around 100 students in our year group so it’s a smaller size than other schools. It may look like we are all best friends because we’re always hanging around with each other but that’s just the person I am, I’m quite an outgoing person and love meeting new people.


Have you ever wondered what it’s like to attend an all-girls school? Wondered how different your life would have been if you had the opportunity to go to one instead of a co-ed high school? I know I always have. In this article, we’ll take a look at what all-girls schools are, why they are beneficial for some students, and which are the best schools for all-girls education in the country.


As per research conducted by  Girls boarding schools in India, It’s true; all-girls schools really do offer a unique, one-of-a-kind experience. You’ll get the opportunity to talk openly about topics that might not always be welcome in the outside world. When you get to study, travel, and sleep with some of your best friends on a daily basis, it really is an experience unlike any other. More importantly, by being in an all-girls school, you’ll develop into a stronger woman – learning to love yourself for who you are without the influence of societal pressures or gender expectations placed on you by media or those around you. 

The Benefits of Attending an All-Girls' School

It is not that bad. There are many pros and cons to being in an all-girls school. We are not all the same, we might be girls but we are very different. It is actually quite fun because no one is judging you and you can be yourself. There are some people who think it’s boring, but I think it’s just fine. There can be some stress, but it isn’t anything we can’t handle! We will get through it!


I went to an all-girls school in grades 3-8. It was a very small private school (only about 200 students total) so we were pretty close with the boys across the street. I loved it, but I know other people who hated it.


I think it depends on the individual, but in general, I’d say these are some positive and negative aspects:




– No boys to bother you :p


– All of your friends will be girls, so you don’t have to worry about choosing between your boyfriend or your friends


– You can wear whatever you want without worrying about impressing boys (although, we still did that for each other)




– Sometimes you might feel like you have to live up to a stereotype (I remember always hearing things like “girls are bad at math” or “girls are bad drivers”) and this can get discouraging. Fortunately, my teachers and my parents always encouraged me not to believe those things, but it is still something to consider.


– Fewer sports teams. Since there were only 200 students total at our school, we had fewer sports teams than most schools, and if you didn’t make the team then there.


Coming from a mixed school, I always wondered what it would be like to be in an all-girls school. I often heard my friends from all-girls schools discussing how unfair their school rules were, and how cold the teachers were. Their schools seemed to lack the friendly atmosphere that I was used to.


A few months ago, however, I transferred to an all-girls school. It is not the case that everything seems as uninviting as I thought it would be. In fact, I find myself more comfortable there than in a mixed school.


Students do not have to worry about their hairstyle and make-up at all times. They are also able to wear casual clothes without feeling self-conscious about others’ remarks on their appearance. With no boys around, girls can also enjoy a more relaxed learning environment as they tend to pay more attention during lessons, which helps them learn better.


The close friendship between girls also creates an open and honest communication environment for them to express their feelings freely and share their problems with one another.


I think an all-girls school is a good place for students to get along well with each other, develop their potential and achieve personal growth together.

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At the end of the day, you’re your own person; having a mixture of both boys and girls in your classes helps keep the students from altering their personalities to fit a specific mold, which could ultimately be harmful to their development. Girls and boys can both benefit from different perspectives on topics, so it’s better to have both—but of course, more girls than boys. As long as all the students are kind and accepting of their peers, then yes: all-girls schools can be just as effective as co-ed schools.

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