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  • Post last modified:Feb 2, 2021

Cbse girls residential school in dehradun

Cbse girls residential School in dehradun

Schools in dehradun

“The Big Fat Indian Farewell” held on the 28th of February for the outgoing batch of 2014-2015 at Ecole Globale International Girls’ School was a grand affair. The Girls dressed like divas dazzled everyone as they walked the red carpet. They were entertained by lively performances and games planned for them by the girls of XI. The venue was beautifully decorated and the DJ played foot-tapping music throughout the evening. The movie prepared for the girls took everyone into a flashback. There were many emotional moments. The principal, Mrs Brinda Ghosh presented the girls with their titles and declared Arushi Gorsi as Miss Ecole 2014-2015. The girls wanted to capture every moment on their cameras. Lavish dinner was served and then everyone was on the dance floor. The evening was made special for the outgoing batch. The girls will carry the fond memories of this momentous evening in their hearts forever.

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