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  • Post published:Jan 23, 2022
  • Post last modified:Feb 2, 2022

Why fast food should be banned in schools?


There is a long list of reasons why fast food should be banned in schools. I know you may find this surprising, but it is true. A lot of people will disagree with me on this which I understand. But, if you read through the following points, I’m sure you’ll agree that fast food should be banned in schools.

Fast food: A convenient option for many, occasionally. The problem is, fast food has become so commonplace in America that 36.5% of students in grades K-5 eat unhealthy snacks every day. Sadly, this number is even higher at 47.3% for grades 6-8 and 58.8% for 9-12. Dieticians, pediatricians, and parents have all become increasingly frustrated with the state of state school lunches and many are calling for the ban of fast food in schools. Listen to what they have to say before you join the fight against banning fast food from schools!


Fast food should be banned in schools

 First of all I will define what fast food is. Fast food is also known as junk food. This is why it should be banned in schools because junk food has no nutritional value, which means that if kids are eating this kind of food, they are not getting the right nutrients to grow up healthy and strong. Fast foods like burgers, fries, pizza and soda are all known to cause serious health issues like obesity and diabetes in kids. There are a lot of reasons why fast food should be banned from schools but here I will list my top three reasons why I feel this way.


Trying to ban fast food altogether is not the answer

There are many reasons why Fast Food should be banned. First of all, it is not good for you. According to, “The Effect of Fast Food Restaurants on Obesity and Weight Management.” A study shows that “Foods purchased from fast-food outlets are energy-dense and nutrient-poor, increasing the risk of weight gain, obesity and chronic diseases.”

Fast food that includes french fries, tacos, burgers, etc., are filled with fats and cholesterol which contribute to health problems like heart disease and stroke. In addition to that, “BMI was significantly higher among children who regularly consumed foods from fast-food restaurants compared with those who did not,”. The more children eat fast food the more likely they will develop health problems later in life because of their diet. Health issues are costly and can cause serious problems if not treated right away.

There are few things better than a delicious fast-food meal. However, when it comes to eating at school, the overall healthiness of fast food is a problem. It has been proven that unhealthy food can cause obesity and other health problems, which is why fast food should be banned in schools.


Fast food is a common part of many students’ diets 

Fast food restaurants offer students a place to get a quick bite to eat so they can finish their homework, or so they can get lunch before class starts. Fast food seems like an easy solution to the dilemma of what to eat when you are on the go; however, there is a negative effect that comes with eating too much fast food.

A study published by the University of Southern California found that “the more frequently high school students reported eating fast food in the past week, the more likely they were to have poor dietary habits.” It also noted that “as consumption of fast food increased, so did body mass index.” The study also found that regular consumption of fast food was linked to lower intakes of fruits and vegetables and higher calorie intakes (Sundaram et al., 2012).


Parents should set rules for children about the foods they can eat at school

If the children want to bring junk food to school, it is their own choice. The government should not take away their rights to choose.

Meal planning has become a necessity in today’s busy lifestyles. Many people are now relying on fast food chains instead of home-cooked meals. Fast food is convenient and easy to find. It is also inexpensive, appealing to many people on a tight budget. But when we rely too much on fast food, it becomes bad for our health. We need to think about the consequences of eating too much fast food and make some changes in our diets and lifestyle.

In the past few decades, there have been many discussions on the effects of fast food on human health. Some claim that fast food can be bad for us in many ways, while others say that it could be good for us if they are prepared with fresh ingredients and served in healthy ways. There are both advantages and disadvantages to eating fast food. Eating an occasional meal at a fast-food restaurant won’t hurt anyone, but eating them every day can raise your risk for heart disease and diabetes.



In conclusion, fast food should be banned in schools because it’s not healthy for you. It causes obesity which can lead to other long term health issues. Also, it is expensive and most likely will not be filling because most of the time it’s just junk food.


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