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Unhealthy Food Should Be Banned From Schools

Unhealthy Food Should Be Banned From Schools

Unhealthy food should be banned from schools to promote the well-being of students, ensuring they have access to nutritious options that support their physical and mental development. By eliminating these foods, we can create an environment that fosters healthier eating habits and reduces the risk of childhood obesity and associated health issues.

The Term “junk” in junk food is a warning enough to avoid its intake at all costs. The high contents of sugar, salt, and fat in such foods make them one of the most unfit condiments for consumption. Then why is such junk being sold in schools? A majority of canteens all across the country nowadays, are stacked with massive amounts of food items that are categorized as unhealthy by many food experts. These foods hold no actual nutritional value and can even be a cause of serious complications such as obesity in children.

The contents of such foods are highly addictive and deteriorate the physical and internal health of a person. With growing concerns relating to the health of students in the country, the need for a ban on selling junk food in and around the school premises is being proposed by the majority of individuals.

Following are a few concerns surrounding the fact:-

Requirement of a balanced diet:-

according to the schools in India, A well-balanced meal is one that provides the body with all the necessary nutrients that include carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and vitamins. Junk food or unhealthy food such as fried stuff and sugary sweets carry minimal to zero nutritional content. Such foods will only fill up the belly but provide no nourishment to the body. Since children are in the growing phases of their lives, their food intake needs to be more specifically monitored. Supplemented growth is ensured through the introduction of wholesome and nutritious meals, so a more healthy diet should be included on the school campus.

 High concentration of toxic substances in junk foods:- 

HFSS ( high in fat, salt, and sugar) foods such as French fries, burgers, samosas, chips, noodles, and pre-cooked and packaged food are very harmful if consumed daily. Today canteens all around India endorse such food items, and the students also get attracted by their colorful packaging or eye-catching advertisements. Even the advertising of such things should be discouraged within the school campuses.

 Exploiting the gullibility of students:- 

We, as adults, are more aware of our health status. We are, therefore, able to comprehend the various advantages or disadvantages of consuming a specific type of food. Children, on the other hand, are, oblivious to such logistics and love to overindulge in anything that pleases their taste buds. Also, false advertisements, glorifying the consumption of such condiments can be very misleading. The contents of these items are never healthy, and hence the children should be adequately educated about their ill effects and causes.

 Quality of mess food provided in boarding schools:-

Sometimes the poor quality of the mess food produced in the boarding school leads the students to rely more on junk food. Students tend to skip meals and satiate their hunger by indulging in unhealthy food provided by the school canteen and cafeterias. Therefore, special attention must be provided to setting up a well-balanced menu, consisting of high-quality good-tasting food for the children of the residential schools. Food groups like milk, eggs, fish, chicken, low-fat dairy, and paneer should be included in the school menu.

Regular up-gradation of the list should be practiced so that a monotonous and boring routine is not established. Canteens should also replace their unhealthy options with healthy snacks. Fruit chats, fresh fruit juices, salads, and homemade food items can be included in lieu of unhygienic and unhealthy fried and sugary food items.

FSSAI Intervention and the government ban

The center has decided to ban the sale of all kinds of junk food in cafeterias and boarding schools, effective from December 2019. Food business operators are now prevented from advertising, giving out free samples, or even endorsing the sports meets in schools. A ban on setting up and installations of vending machines inside and within 50 meters of school campuses has also been introduced.

The FSSAI ( Food Safety and Standard Authority of India) has framed food safety and standards to eliminate the consumption of unhealthy and junk food by school children. Several guidelines have been fabricated by the FSSAI, that restrict the availability and advertising of the HFSS foodstuff (French fries, pizzas burgers, samosas, etc..) in schools and the nearby areas. Even the manufacturers are now discouraged from advertising their products or providing sponsorship to the schools in any shape or form.

The unhealthy food ban has been the product of instructions from the courts and studies conducted by several non-profit organizations.


In conclusion, unhealthy Food Should Be Banned From Schools prioritizes the well-being of students by promoting a healthier environment and reducing the risk of diet-related health issues, fostering better learning outcomes and long-term wellness. Such products are equally harmful to adults and children alike. With the growing popularity of junk foods, now manufacturers are targeting children and specifically school-going children to sell their products. In such a dangerous scenario, students need to be especially supervised and provided the required protection.

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