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How education can strengthen democracy?

When education becomes a tool of democracy, it is much easier to empower the citizen and create economic growth. Most recognized are the effects of education on improving life expectancy and reducing the mortality rate. These changes have been a very important indicator that some societies were increasing their capacity for social change in ways that would likely lead to more freedom and democracy.

Education helps us make more informed decisions

Education is not only a means of developing knowledge, skills and abilities to achieve an individual’s potential, but it is also a way of life. Education is the process by which we learn about the world around us and acquire the skills necessary for our future careers, personal lives and civic responsibilities.

Education helps us make more informed decisions about our lives, our communities and our government. The more education we have, the better able we are to understand issues in society and make unbiased decisions based on facts rather than emotion or opinion.

An educated community is one that can make its own decisions based on evidence. Education provides the tools necessary for citizens to understand what is happening in their community, their state, their country and around the world. It also teaches us how to participate in civic activities such as voting so that we can make our voices heard at every level of government.

Educated population helps mitigate inequality

In the United States, education has long been seen as a great equalizer. The more education people have, the thinking goes, and the better off they are. But recent research suggests that this is not always true.

“The evidence is overwhelming that an educated population helps to mitigate inequality,” said Richard Reeves, a senior fellow at Brookings Institution’s Center on Children and Families. “People with higher levels of education earn higher wages, they’re less likely to be unemployed and if they are unemployed they’re more likely to get back into work quickly.”

Reeves noted that college graduates tend to have more stable family lives — another factor that reduces inequality.

Education levels also help people participate in politics more effectively, he said. A 2014 Pew Research Center study found that 65 per cent of Americans with a bachelor’s degree or more thought their political leaders were doing a good job representing their views compared with only 39 per cent of those who didn’t graduate from high school or college.

Educating young people instils a sense of responsibility in them

Educating young people instils a sense of responsibility in them, which is very important for a democracy. It also helps them in creating awareness among others about the importance of voting rights.

In today’s world, we are fortunate to have access to all kinds of information through various means. This has made it possible for us to become more aware and knowledgeable about the various issues that affect our lives. As a result, we are able to make informed decisions about how we want our lives to be shaped. This is one of the benefits of education – it helps us gain knowledge and information about everything around us, including politics and governance.

Educated citizens are better equipped to participate in society as active members. They have an understanding of their rights and duties as citizens, therefore they know what they should do when it comes to protecting those rights and exercising them responsibly. They understand how the government operates and how their votes can influence policymaking at the local or national level. They also know what kind of leader they want for their country or community because they understand better than anyone else what qualities are required for such leadership roles

Education is the great equalizer

Education is the great equalizer. It can help people overcome poverty, discrimination, and other challenges. But without it, millions of people are trapped in low-wage jobs, unable to break out into more lucrative and rewarding careers.

Education is also critical for preparing students for the workforce. A college degree has become a ticket to the middle class, but it also boosts lifetime earnings by hundreds of thousands of dollars — even after accounting for tuition costs and student debt.

Yet too many Americans do not have access to high-quality education. The United States has fallen behind other developed countries in reading proficiency, math performance and student achievement in science. And our system does not serve all children equally well: Children from low-income families are much less likely than others to graduate from high school or attend college.

Education fosters civic participation.

Education strengthens democracy by helping citizens learn about their rights, duties and responsibilities as citizens. It also gives students the skills to become active participants in the democratic process.

Education teaches students how to participate in their communities and the world around them. Students who are educated about democracy are more likely to vote, volunteer for community service projects and join other civic organizations such as parent-teacher associations (PTAs).


An educated populous helps countries become stronger democracies.


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