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  • Post published:Mar 17, 2020
  • Post last modified:Feb 2, 2021

Why Teachers Accountability is importance in the Classroom

The liability of teachers in the education scenario matters a great deal, and teacher’s accountability has become an essential addition in the public education sector. The responsibility of a teacher towards the student’s learning process is significant. School administrators, educational organizations, parents, the general public and teachers themselves use this term frequently.

So what is a teacher’s accountability in the classroom, and what is its importance? To understand this first, we need to get familiar with the primary responsibilities of a teacher. How a teacher influences a student and what role they play in the overall personality development of a child. The things a teacher teaches in the classroom should benefit the student in the real world as well. Here enlisted are some essential responsibilities and roles of a teacher in a school:

  • Imparting education and ensuring that everyone gets the benefit of the program.
  • Establishing equality in the classroom environment and making sure that no one is devoid of any opportunity.
  • Following the guidelines and rules of the school and teaching as per all the requirements of the syllabus.
  • A teacher should always follow an unbiased approach in the evaluations of student’s papers and assignments.
  • Sincerely and regularly attend classes.
  • Have good knowledge of their area of said expertise.

These are some essential responsibilities of a teacher in best residential school in India or a classroom. A teacher is liable to be held accountable for functions, as mentioned above. Hence, we can conclude that a teacher’s accountability is his/ her dedication to his/ her job. Parents and students who invest their time and money in education always desire for the best services. Hence, it is the prime responsibility of a teacher to enhance the classroom environment, fulfilling their essential duties for the benefit of all.


In addition to the basic responsibilities, there are several aspects that a parent may not be aware of. Hence, it is up to a teacher to indulge in an in-depth analysis. The school administrators and other authorities can also aid in this perspective by monitoring the teacher’s activities. Here are a few things that should be taken care of:-

  • A teacher should be well-versed in their course of specialization. 
  • Teachers should be well aware of the average required mental ability of their students and work under that parameter. Weak pupils should be provided extra attention. The concern of the students is essential.
  • A teacher should actively participate in societal concerns and provide their inputs. Responsibility towards the general public must be felt.
  • A teacher should continuously work towards improving their skills. Teacher-research can come in very handy in this particular scenario.
  • A teacher also plays a significant role in developing the ethics and values of the students. Hence virtue lessons from every teacher in a classroom are important. A child’s major part of the day is spent in a classroom, and therefore a classroom influence can significantly contribute towards shaping his/ her character.
  • A good rapport with the students and an overall more interactive classroom environment should be promoted.
  • A teacher should be able to convey their message to the students efficiently. This includes applying a practical approach and experimentation in the teaching methodology.
  • Inclusion of advanced tech and equipment in the learning procedure can improvise the process.


Here are some productive results of the teacher’s accountability.

  • Teachers help in implementing the goals and the groundwork set by the school and the administration, parents and the community. They shape the academic, oratory, characteristics and personality, spiritual and virtuous capabilities of the students.
  • When the teacher is held accountable, a student experiences greater freedom in putting forward their concerns. They do not feel burdened. 
  • A teacher works in honing their skills and also correctly plans and executes their activities. 
  • A teacher is also able to avail proper facilities and analyze the needs of the classroom.
  • A teacher experiences greater freedom as they are held accountable for the curriculum they set. In this way, a teacher can also adjust the things in favor of the students.
  • The teaching program becomes inclusive, unbiased and non-discriminatory. A teacher is expected to assess every student based on their capabilities and not based on their culture, gender, traditions or preferences.
  • Quality education is insured, and public resources are put into proper usage. If a better performance out of the teachers is expected, they are funded and salaries accordingly. 
  • The administrators, counselors, as well as the principal, start to work in coordination and provide their inputs as well.

The expectations of the parents and the public can sometimes be a burden on the teachers as well. A parent cannot leave the entire responsibility of their ward on the school and the educators. Constant communication should be established between the teachers and parents so that a child experiences the best growth and learning environment.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Mary Thomas

    Thanks very beautiful ideas. Helpful for my research.

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