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Building Resilience and Self-Reliance: Core principle of Indian Boarding School Educatio

Indian boarding schools have long been recognized for their distinctive approach to education, emphasizing not only academic excellence but also the development of essential life skills. Among these skills, building resilience and self-reliance stand out as core principles of Indian boarding school education.

In this article, we explore the Core principles of girls Boarding Schools in India, and preparing the students for the challenges of the modern world.


Core Principles of Indian Boarding Schools

Ecole Globale believes in all-round development and holistic education for its girls. The elements of life at Ecole include academic enrichment, sporting prowess, health and wellness, international exposure, and the ability to understand different cultures.

The support staff, domestic staff, housekeeping, and other elements of the campus contribute in their unique ways towards the betterment of the life of girls in boarding schools in India. This has a value-based impact on the students and they learn the values of gratitude, patience, perseverance, and hard work.


Independence in Daily Life

Core Principles of Indian Boarding Schools : Outdoor Activities and Adventure

Core principles in Indian boarding schools include providing an environment where students are encouraged to take responsibility for their daily routines. From managing their schedules to maintaining personal hygiene and organizing their belongings, students learn to become self-reliant in these fundamental aspects of life. This independence nurtures a sense of responsibility and self-discipline.

A typical day in the life of an Ecolier starts early with the Morning PT so that students can start their day afresh and with a clear mind and ample physical energy. The girls at Ecole have learned various self-management skills through the curriculum, pedagogy, and overall experience they have through the life they witness on campus.

Further, our girls grasp life skills like negotiation, adaptability, and empathy through staying the boarding houses with a diverse student-teacher community.

Academic Rigour

Core Principles of Indian Boarding Schools: Outdoor Activities and Adventure

Indian boarding schools are renowned for their rigorous academic programs. Core principles of Indian boarding schools are helping the students be challenged to think critically, solve problems, and excel in their studies. This academic rigor teaches students the value of hard work, determination, and perseverance, all of which are crucial components of resilience.

At Ecole Globale, we believe that learning does not just come from within the four walls of a classroom but also, through various literary activities. These activities aim at developing and honing the literary skills that are indispensable when it comes to the all-round development of the students.

Apart from the activities held within the school, students also take part in conferences and competitions hosted by other schools of repute which provide exposure to diverse elements that aid in building their overall well-being. The language teachers at Ecole strive hard to build good linguistic skills among the students, in the first, second, and third languages, these are the activities involved in maintaining core principles of Indian boarding schools.

Cultural Immersion

Core Principles of Indian Boarding Schools: Outdoor Activities and Adventure

Many Indian boarding schools emphasize cultural immersion as part of the educational experience. Students from diverse backgrounds learn to appreciate and respect different cultures, fostering tolerance and adaptability. This exposure helps them develop the resilience to thrive in multicultural environments.

In the pursuit of helping our students develop into global citizens, one primary program we conduct regularly is the student exchange. The Ecole Globale is an active part of the Round Square International Service (RSIS) which includes students from some of the world’s most prestigious and renowned institutes.

Through this program, not only are our students often sent abroad to participate but also sometimes our students play host to many students who visit from different countries, these are the activities involved in cultural imersion in maintaining core principles of Indian boarding schools.


Outdoor Activities and Adventure

Core Principles of Indian Boarding Schools: Outdoor Activities and Adventure

Core principles of indian boarding schools often includes outdoor activities and adventure programs. These experiences take students out of their comfort zones, teaching them to face and overcome physical and mental challenges. Whether it’s trekking, camping, or team-building exercises, these activities build resilience by pushing students to confront adversity head-on.

Whether it’s leading a sports team, organizing an event, or participating in student government, these opportunities help students develop leadership skills and self-confidence. Leadership roles require resilience in the face of responsibility and decision-making.

Learning different expressions of arts has always added value to individuals, who strive to go the extra mile at grasping new skills. The School provides ample opportunities to let the girls showcase their creativity and stimulate their reasoning abilities.

To let the creative juices flow, an equal emphasis has always been given to performing arts, wherein the girls own the stage and the canvas in their stride. The aim has always been to empower the girls to embrace hindrances with new-found wisdom, freedom, agility and strength. Ecole Globale offers a variety of Clubs for Music, Dance, Pottery, Cookery and Poetry. 

Ecole Globale, the sports school in Dehradun, has always believed that more experiential learning happens in the arena of Sports than anywhere else. As an International School of high repute, we have always maintained top-notch facilities for building, maintaining, sustaining, and growing sporting prowess among our girls.

All sports disciplines are given equal importance and are played with great enthusiasm under the guidance of specialized coaches. The disciplines offered: Swimming, Shooting, Badminton, Basketball, Athletics, Football, Tennis, Table Tennis, Squash, and Martial Arts, these are the  outdoor activities involved in maintaining core principles of Indian boarding schools


Community and Peer Support

Core Principles of Indian Boarding Schools: Community and Peer Support

Boarding schools foster a sense of community and peer support. Students form close bonds with their peers, which can be a source of comfort and encouragement during difficult times. This support system helps students develop the resilience to navigate social challenges and build meaningful relationships.

For an enriching experience of its sort, Ecole Globale is happy to organize field trips, educational trips or excursions and facilitate participation in external events like competitions with other international schools of repute in India.

What is most remarkable about such trips is that our girls enjoy the beautiful locales, capture their memorable experiences in photographs and arrive back refreshed and rejuvenated.

They return to campus with a lot more enthusiasm to take on better challenges, bond with their peers in a better way, and learn about their abilities and shortcomings through these trips, community and peer support plays a crucial role in maintaining core principles of Indian boarding schools.

In the pursuit of helping our students develop into global citizens, one primary program we conduct regularly is the student exchange. The Ecole Globale is an active part of the Round Square International Service (RSIS) which includes students from some of the world’s most prestigious and renowned institutes.

Preparing for Real-world Challenges

Core Principles of Indian Boarding Schools: Preparing for Real-world Challenges

Indian boarding schools aim to prepare students for real-world challenges beyond the classroom. Whether it’s facing academic competition, dealing with setbacks, or adapting to diverse workplaces, students graduate with a strong foundation in resilience and self-reliance, equipped to tackle whatever life throws their way.

Ecole Globale frequently organizes workshops and guest lectures. This is a unique chance since girls tend to find their role models through such interactions and learn from the experiences of others.

The facility has experienced faculty and well-qualified teaching staff. They offer individual attention to all students, create a healthy working environment that fosters mutual understanding between students and their teachers, and provide the students with the best mentors for real-world challenges are the core principles of Indian boarding schools.


Indian boarding schools are not just places of academic learning; they are institutions that shape well-rounded individuals ready to face the complexities of the modern world. Building resilience and self-reliance are core tenets of this education.

By providing a holistic learning environment that emphasizes independence, academic rigour, cultural awareness, outdoor experiences, leadership opportunities, mental well-being, and peer support, Indian boarding schools empower their students to become resilient, self-reliant, and adaptable individuals. These qualities not only serve students during their time at school but also throughout their lives as they navigate a dynamic and ever-changing world by following the  core principles of Indian boarding schools.

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