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  • Post published:May 7, 2020
  • Post last modified:Feb 2, 2021

What is Histrionic Personality Disorder?

Histrionic, in simple terms, means dramatic or theatrical. Histrionic personality disorder comes under a category of cluster B personality disorder characterized by extremely dramatic, over-emotional, or overthinking with unpredictable behavior. People having histrionic personality disorder go through unstable emotions and have a distorted self-image. Rather than believing in themselves, they are more concerned about what others think about them. They do not trust their instincts and do not know their self-worth; they are more focused on having the right image in front of other people. They have an unsatisfied desire to be liked by people and to be noticed in a group, and often act up when they are seen. They always want to be the center of attraction in every situation.


The disorder is more common in women and is usually seen in early adulthood. People having this problem generally have excellent social skills, but they typically tend to misuse these skills to manipulate others to get the attention of everyone.

Some of the evident symptoms of people having Histrionic personality disorder are

  • Always try to be the center of attraction.
  • Dress inappropriately to seduce people.
  • Rapid change of emotions
  • Behave in a theoretical way with emotions and expressions as if they were performing in front of an audience.
  • More focussed on physical appearance
  • Ask for others approval
  • Easily influenced by others
  • Have a very low tolerance for any situation, become frustrated quickly.
  • Quickly gets bored by a regular routine.
  • Often switch between things or work without completing them.
  • Never think before taking any step
  • Rash decisions
  • Always self-centered and do not think about the feelings of others.
  • Attempt suicide to get people’s attention.
  • Face difficulty in maintaining relationships, and show fake emotions in front of others.


The specific reason for a histrionic personality disorder is not discovered yet. Some of the mental health professionals believe that it results due to both learned and inherited traits from their surroundings and parents. Some of the examples of causes are

  • Some genetic disorder is running in the family line.
  • They are learning and repeating from the behavior of the people around him.
  • Lack of criticism or punishment from parents as a child
  • Positive reinforcement by parents when a child does some good deeds or behave in a certain way.
  • Constant attention from parents
  • Ways kids learn to cope up with stress
  • High temperament
  • Psychological styles


If psychological disorder is found in a person, then the doctor will examine the child by conducting specific medical and psychiatric tests and knowing about the medical history of the family. If some physical symptoms are seen, then specific physical examinations are also conducted to ensure that any physical illness does not cause the symptoms of psychological disorders.

If no physical illness is found, then the person is referred to a psychiatrist or psychologist who is trained for treating mental illness. Psychologists or psychiatrists use specially designed tools and evaluation tests to determine the extent of personality disorder in the person.


People with mental illness do not think that they need any treatment. They exaggerate their feelings and do not like to follow a routine. So it becomes hard for them to develop a medical treatment plan. But if it is causing a problem in their daily lives so I guess they should take a step forward to treat their disorder. Generally, people do not think of mental illness as a significant disorder or something which needs to be addressed.

Psychotherapy or a type of counseling is recommended for people with Histrionic personality disorder. The goal of the treatment is to help the individual to face his fears and see the world from a positive perspective. To understand the feelings of others and stop stressing about any situation.

Medication might also help in such cases to prevent people from falling into depression or anxiety.


  • Affects a person’s ability to think and make decisions.
  • Affect his social, personal, and professional life and relationships.
  • Reactions to failures and disappointments
  • High risk of depression

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