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  • Post category:Blog
  • Post published:May 19, 2020
  • Post last modified:Feb 2, 2021


When the exams are on the head, the workload of the students proliferates significantly. Studying and memorizing such a tremendous amount of syllabus and study material can be very intimidating for many students. Cramming things at the last moment is a common practice among the students. Today, many children procrastinate their entire syllabus for the last week before the exams. There are several reasons behind such a practice. Some of these are the following:-

  1. Undue attention and guidance from the teachers. 
  2. Technological distractions that make many children today waste their time. They are engrossed in their device screens and spend a significant amount of time in a day hooked up with these devices.
  3. Overestimation of their capabilities is another factor that decreases the seriousness of exams in a student’s mind. 
  4. Improper revision practices relayed by the teachers and lack of attention from the school authorities.
  5. Fear of the exams and lack of interest in studies and the learning process.

In a study, it was revealed that cramming at the last moment can generate a lot of stress on the students. It can negatively affect brain functionality and also the exam results. Working under pressure is not at all advisable for many reasons. It not only increases our anxiety but also deteriorates our performance. Here are some useful tips to manage the studies and help us tackle the next round of exams. 


Analyze yourself and discover the time which is which your attention and concertation is at peak. Working during these peak times will help you manage all the tedious tasks effortlessly and also reduce the unnecessary burden. Your memorization power will also increase, and you will be able to complete all the tasks quickly. 


It is always better to study and prepare difficult subjects beforehand. Prioritize completing the challenging topics and subjects beforehand so that you can manage them efficiently a day before the exam. Use your brainpower and energy on the problematic topics first so that your work becomes more manageable.


Our surrounding ambiance significantly affects our mood and also affects our concentration and work ethics. Select a study place that helps you in focusing. Make sure that this place is free from all the significant distractions and noise. Also, ensure that it is clean and free from dust particles. A place that is comfortable, quiet, organized, and immune from all the distractions is the best choice for a study area.


Do not overload yourself with work and make sure that you take proper breaks and intervals. Exhaustion can increase stress and deteriorate your working efficiency. Take breaks at appropriate intervals and engage yourself in some activity the rejuvenates and refreshes your mind. A small run, a quick game, going to the gym or a walk can be included in the break. Anything that makes you feel energized can be done during this break.


Exams do not require you to sacrifice your sleep. Lack of sleep can affect your concentration and cause strain in your eyes. Make sure that you receive a proper sleep of 8 to 9 hours daily. Especially one day before the exam, adequate rest is needed. Your performance can get severely affected if you are not well-rested. 


You require proper nourishment to fuel up your body. Ensure that you are taking a proper diet, which is sufficient in all the essential nutrients. A well-balanced meal is a necessity for growing children. Your mind will only function properly if your body is healthy and fit. Exercise regularly and eat meals and snacks throughout the day.


Avoid procrastination at all costs. Make a study plan and assign ample time for all the subjects. For the last day, leave only revision. Planning is an excellent way of reducing anxiety and managing the work. It will also allow you to take proper rest on the day before the exam, and you will not feel anxiety-ridden. 


Students need to understand that studies are a serious affair, but at the compensation of your health and sanity, it holds no value. Education is meant to make a person knowledgeable and happy. Treating studies as a burden is not something that the education system aims to deliver. 

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