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Six Techniques to get a perfect score in exams


Today the constant pressure from the peers and the society to score better in the examinations can subject a lot of stress on the students. The competitive environment that requires a student to perform better in several fields other than studies makes their management a difficult one. Many students in this stride also suffer from exam-anxiety. They fear examinations and, in turn, may scoreless.


Exams are a test of one’s mental abilities and learning capacity. It is not something to be feared, but the current scenario has painted an entirely different picture in the minds of the students. They face several problems, and some of them are listed below:-

  • Students receive a tremendous amount of mental stress during the examinations.
  • The pressure from the parents can generate a feeling of insecurity in their minds.
  • To score more, students over-exert themselves, which can lead to deterioration in their mental and physical health.
  • Low scores can break down a student’s confidence, and they develop a fear of examinations. Teachers and parents should teach their students to deal with failures and convert them into a positive learning lesson.
  • Lack of proper guidance and revision can burden the students before the examinations.
  • Lack of sleep can also affect the student’s health and performance. Sleeping less during the examinations is a quite common practice among youngsters.


With proper guidance and planning, such a stressful situation can be tackled easily. Here are some tips that can help the students in maintaining a proper schedule. This will help in converting their working capacity to yield better results:-


The foremost step in every project involves planning. Without proper planning, a person cannot achieve their goals. Hence, plan out your exam preparation schedule. Brainstorm on various factors that can affect your exam prep. Once the plan has been established, the next step that follows is the execution. Follow your plan diligently and incorporate the changes if needed. Draw the time-table and stick it near your study table where you can easily view it. An uninterrupted view of your schedule will keep you motivated.

In the plan, assign proper time for every activity and also include your leisure and rest period in the same.


When the exams are on the head, nobody has the time to get into the detailed explanation of every concept. At this time, the students need to invest in a smart study strategy. Use highlighters, sticky notes, and other instruments to make the learning process more efficient. Mark the relevant topics and make bulleted points in your notes. Refer to the previous year’s paper and understand the pattern and important questions. This way, you will not have to mug up the entire syllabus and still get a perfect score in the exams.


To understand anything, one needs to be very attentive. Distractions can prolong the process and also hamper the credibility. Make sure that you find a peaceful place to study, which is free from all kinds of distractions. Divide your studying time into intervals and take small breaks between each session.


Consistency is the key to success, and everyone agrees to this particular fact. Be consistent in your practice. After every lesson, revise the notes so that you are better able to retain the concepts for a more extended period. Even the classic folktale of the race between the rabbit and a tortoise highlights the importance of consistency. The greatest leaders in the world today have one thing in common, and that is discipline and consistency.


The tedious and monotonous material can make the studies very dull and lack-luster. This can also lead to tiredness, and students might feel sleepy. One method to keep the sleep at bay is by eating. Chew a pack of gum and trick your mind into doing some activity. This will improvise your concentration, and you will feel less sleepy. An active lifestyle can also help. Drink a lot of water and exercise regularly.


Home-work that a teacher assigns has a motive behind it. Hence, diligently solve the assignments that a teacher giver you. Home-work helps us in maintaining a regular study practice. Also, the things that a teacher giver in an assignment has a high probability of coming in the exams.

All these tips can make your exam preparation more manageable and hence more productive. Follow these secrets and get perfect scores in the exams.

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