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  • Post last modified:Feb 2, 2021


Several factors come into play when a boarding school comes into consideration, and one of the most anticipated topics among all this is of getting a good roommate. A prep school companion who shares the same room as you is known as a roommate. Hostels in the schools provide accommodation within a budget in the form of a dormitory or separate bedroom with two or three students. A common area is also provided, and the students are required to share certain commodities such as the washroom, laundry area, mess or the dining room. Therefore, you need to be highly corporative when living in a hostel.

Children who are enrolled in a residential school are introduced to many other students from various walks of life. They have different backgrounds, lifestyle, interests and behavior. Due to such disparities, boarders encounter great difficulties in choosing a suitable roommate.

The influence of a roommate in a girls boarding school becomes manifold. A girl requires a constant company at the growing stage of her life. Girls are susceptible to certain situations where they need support and help.

Here are a few ways of how having a roommate can make your boarding school life experience a better one.

Help in accommodation with the boarding school curriculum

The roommate can substantially help you in overcoming your anxiety regarding a life away from home. They, in the form of a constant companion, can do away with your loneliness and assist you in adjustment with the hostel life. Girls also experience great help with their intimate or personal issues because of a residential school hostel life. Certain type of prep schools pair up an experienced border with a newly admitted student to help them with the various activities.

College preparatory experience

If not today, you will have to face life away from home at some point. A roommate will help you in getting used to such a life. Being able to share everyday things with another person can prove to be very beneficial for the students in the long run. They are mentally prepared and can adjust under the circumstances in future.

Become a better person

Studying in a girls boarding school can help you in becoming a better over-all individual. You become self-reliant and responsible and also learn to tolerate another individual. Your roommate can help you in developing specific skills like social abilities, compassion, leadership etc. One also learns to resolve issues in a better way through compromises and understanding.

Study Partner

At home, there can be inevitable distractions when studies are concerned. With a roommate with a common goal, standard syllabus and curriculum, you will be able to get a better study experience. You will also feel more motivated towards studies, and your roommate will help you in clearing your various doubts. This is one of the most significant advantages of having a roommate.

Develop new interest

Boarding schools are full of opportunities and provide the students with various chances to participate in certain activities. If you feel hesitant about going for a particular venture alone, you can request the company of your roommate. Having someone at your side will always promote a more stable and peaceful mentality in you will feel motivated in trying out new things.

Lifetime of friendship

bonding one establishes with a roommate is above every type of attachment and relation. You are together in the worst of the situations and also have each other’s back all the time. Living away from the parents, you find a family among your friends in the residential school and, among all these friends, your roommate will have the most profound impact in your life. Roommates usually result in lifelong friendships.

In some instances, people may find an unfavorable roommate. Your ideologies or opinions may not match, and you may encounter problems in agreeing with each other. A disconnect from someone with whom you have to spend a majority of your time can prove to be very hard to endure.

Therefore, your roommate should be chosen wisely. If you encounter any problems consult your school authorities. They will help you in resolving the matter, and if the situation goes worse, you can even change your roommate.

Arguments and disputes are a part of life. Conflicts with your roommate do not mean the end of the relationship. Instead, it teaches you to resolve these conflicts and settle these arguments through constant discussion and understanding.

Boarding school faculties also need to form an efficient system of assigning roommates to the children. A prior meeting for the analysis of their personalities can be a way of efficiently assigning an excellent roommate to the children. Also, problematic matters should be taken care of properly.

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