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  • Post last modified:Oct 23, 2023

Weekend Workshops: Expanding Skill Sets Outside Academics


Education is a holistic endeavor that extends beyond textbooks and classroom lectures. Recognizing this, many schools are embracing the concept of weekend workshops at Ecole Globale offering students a platform to explore and develop skills outside the traditional academic curriculum.

These Weekend Workshops at Ecole Globale serve as a bridge between theoretical knowledge and practical application, fostering a well-rounded education that prepares students for the challenges of the modern world.

Weekend Workshops at Ecole Globale : Expanding Skill Sets

Cultural Diversity at Ecole Globale

Diverse Skill Exploration

Weekend workshops at Ecole Globale provide an opportunity for students to delve into a diverse array of skills. From coding and robotics to creative writing, public speaking, and even basic culinary arts, these workshops expose students to a range of disciplines, allowing them to discover their interests and aptitudes beyond the conventional subjects taught during the school week among the girls boarding schools in India.

Practical Application of Knowledge

 While academic subjects lay the foundation, weekend workshops at Ecole Globale facilitate the practical application of knowledge. For instance, a physics workshop might involve building simple machines or conducting experiments, giving students a hands-on experience that deepens their understanding of theoretical concepts in boarding schools in India.

Fostering Creativity and Innovation:

Creativity is a crucial skill often overshadowed in traditional academic settings. Weekend workshops, especially those focusing on arts, crafts, or design thinking, provide a space for students to unleash their creativity. These activities nurture innovation and encourage students to think outside the box, a skill that is increasingly valued in today’s dynamic job market.

Teamwork and Collaboration:

 Many  Weekend Workshops at Ecole Globale  are designed to be collaborative, requiring students to work together on projects. This fosters teamwork, communication, and interpersonal skills, which are vital not only in academics but also in the professional world. Learning to collaborate with diverse personalities prepares students for the collaborative nature of many workplaces.

Real-world Application:

 Weekend workshops at Ecole Globale often bridge the gap between the theoretical knowledge acquired in classrooms and its real-world application. For example, a business and entrepreneurship workshop might involve students in creating and running a small-scale business, teaching them valuable lessons about budgeting, marketing, and problem-solving.

Life Skills Development:

Beyond academic achievements, schools aim to prepare students for life. Weekend workshops at Ecole Globale play a crucial role in imparting life skills such as time management, critical thinking, decision-making, and resilience. These skills are essential for success not only in academics but also in personal and professional pursuits.

Exposure to Professions and Industries:

Weekend Workshops at Ecole Globale often bring in experts from various fields, exposing students to different professions and industries. This exposure is invaluable in helping students make informed career choices. It also broadens their perspective, allowing them to see the practical applications of their education in the real world.

Enhancing Confidence and Self-esteem:

Success in workshops, whether in mastering a new skill or completing a project, contributes to enhanced confidence and self-esteem. This positive reinforcement is crucial for a student’s overall well-being and can have a lasting impact on their approach to challenges and opportunities.

Parental Involvement and Bonding:

Weekend workshops  at Ecole Globale offer an opportunity for parents to actively participate in their child’s education. Parental involvement not only strengthens the bond between parents and children but also reinforces the importance of lifelong learning. Parents attending workshops alongside their children set a powerful example of the value placed on education in the household.

Holistic Education Philosophy:

In adopting weekend workshops, schools embrace a holistic education philosophy. This approach recognizes that education is not solely about preparing students for exams but equipping them with a diverse skill set, a curious mindset, and the ability to adapt to an ever-changing world.

Beyond Books: Ecole Globale’s Commitment to Expanding Skill Sets Outside Academics

Education is not just about textbooks and exams; it’s about nurturing well-rounded individuals equipped with a diverse set of skills. Ecole Globale, nestled in the scenic beauty of Dehradun, embraces this philosophy wholeheartedly.

Beyond its commitment to academic excellence, Ecole Globale School recognizes the importance of cultivating a wide range of skills in its students, preparing them not just for exams but for life.

Ecole Globale School believes in a holistic approach to education that goes beyond the traditional classroom setting. The curriculum is designed to incorporate a variety of activities and experiences that cater to the physical, emotional, and social development of students by organizing Weekend Workshops at Ecole Globale.

The school encourages students to explore and excel in extracurricular activities. From sports and arts to music and drama, students have a plethora of options to discover and develop their passions. This not only provides a balanced education but also helps in building teamwork, leadership, and time management skills.

Ecole Globale recognizes the importance of nurturing leadership qualities in its students. Leadership development programs are integrated into the curriculum, allowing students to take on responsibilities, lead initiatives, and develop the confidence to make a positive impact.

The school aims to create global citizens and to achieve this, it provides opportunities for cultural and international exposure. Exchange programs, cultural events, and collaborations with schools from different parts of the world broaden students’ perspectives, fostering a global mindset.

Beyond personal development, Ecole Globale instills a sense of social responsibility through community service initiatives. Students actively participate in projects that contribute to the welfare of the local community, teaching them the value of empathy, compassion, and the joy of giving back.

Recognizing the importance of innovation and entrepreneurship in the modern world, Ecole Globale integrates programs that encourage creative thinking and problem-solving. Students are given the tools and guidance to develop their ideas and explore their entrepreneurial potential.

 In a world driven by technology, Ecole Globale ensures that students are well-versed in digital literacy. The school integrates technology into the learning process, equipping students with essential skills for the digital age.

Ecole Globale recognizes the significance of mental and emotional well-being. The school incorporates mindfulness programs and stress management techniques into the curriculum, providing students with tools to navigate the challenges of life with resilience and balance.

Ecole Globale School in Dehradun stands out not just for its academic prowess but for its unwavering commitment to shaping well-rounded individuals.

By expanding skill sets outside academics, the school prepares its students for a dynamic and ever-changing world, where success is not only measured by grades but by the ability to navigate challenges with creativity, resilience, and a broad range of skills.


Weekend workshops, with their focus on skill development, practical application, and holistic growth, are a valuable addition to the educational landscape.

By providing students with a platform to explore diverse interests and develop a range of skills, schools pave the way for a future generation that is not only academically proficient but also equipped to face the challenges and opportunities of the real world.

These Weekend Workshops at Ecole Globale contribute to shaping well-rounded individuals who are not only knowledgeable but also creative, resilient, and adaptable—qualities essential for success in the 21st century.


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