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Which Are The Top Girls Day School In Bangalore?

There are lots of girls’ schools in Bangalore. How do you decide which school to join? That is a challenging task for parents, and often choosing a school involves a lot of research and time. 

If you’re a parent of a girl, you’ll be glad to know that many schools offer education for girls in Bangalore. These schools have everything you may require for your kid’s education: excellent faculty, good infrastructure, and facilities. One has amenities outside the curriculum, such as playing fields, music rooms, and hobby-related classes.

There is no denying it – choosing the right school is critical. After all, it is where your little one will spend most of her time growing up. We’ve compiled information about the best girls’ schools in Bangalore to help you with your decision-making process.

Also Read : Which are the best day schools in Bangalore?


Education In Bangalore

 Education In Bangalore

It’s no secret that Bangalore is home to some of the best schools in India. The city has a long history of providing safe, excellent education to its students.

With its world-class infrastructure and excellent faculty, Bangalore’s schools are a great choice for any family looking for a place to raise their children.

It is also known for its safe environment for girls, which makes it an ideal place for education. The schools in Bangalore provide quality education to students from all over the world. The schools in Bangalore are equipped with excellent facilities and world-class infrastructure. They also have a very friendly atmosphere where students can learn in a stress-free environment.

Their goal is to provide every student with a safe, secure environment that allows them to thrive academically and socially.

Curriculum The Schools In Bangalore Follow

 Curriculum The Schools In Bangalore Follow

The schools in Bangalore offer a wide variety of educational programs. The most common curriculum is the CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education), followed by ICSE (Indian Certificate of Secondary Education). 

These are both government boards with standardised curricula that have been approved by the government. However, other private schools follow different curricula, such as IB (International Baccalaureate) and IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education).

In addition to these standard curriculums, some schools offer specialised programs for students interested in specific fields such as science and technology or commerce. Some schools offer Cambridge A Levels instead of the IB program.

The different curriculums available in Bangalore vary depending on whether you are looking for an English medium school or a Kannada medium school. English medium schools follow either CBSE or ICSE, while Kannada medium schools follow the Karnataka State Board syllabus.

As an international student, you must consider which school will best suit your needs before deciding where to study in Bangalore.

Why Do People Opt For Day Schools?

 Why Do People Opt For Day Schools?

There are many reasons why parents choose to send their children to day schools. Some of them include:

The learning environment at a day school is similar to that of a college or university. The teachers are well-trained, experienced and knowledgeable in their fields. They also have access to the latest technology and resources that can help them teach their students. Since they have more time to spend with the students, they have an opportunity to get to know each one on an individual basis and help them reach their full potential

A day school offers a safe environment where children can learn and play together. Children who attend day schools tend to be more social than those who attend public schools or private schools in neighbourhoods where there are no other children around.

Children who attend day schools usually do better academically than those who go elsewhere because they have access to extra resources such as tutoring programs, extra-curricular activities, field trips and after-school activities.

Customized Curriculum

Day schools provide students with an individualised curriculum that caters to their interests and strengths. Most day schools offer an array of extra-curricular activities such as sports and drama clubs where students can develop their passions outside of class time. This allows them to explore various areas of study without being restricted by classroom rules or timetables.

Academic Excellence

Many people believe that private schools offer better academic results than state schools do because they have smaller class sizes and more resources at their disposal. However, this is not always true because many state schools produce outstanding results.

Benefits Of Day Schools Over Boarding Schools

 Benefits Of Day Schools Over Boarding Schools

Day schools are often a better option for your kids than boarding schools. Here’s why:

-Your child will be able to spend more time with you and other family members, which is good for your relationship with them and their mental health.

-Your child will be able to have friends from different backgrounds and cultures, which helps them develop a more diverse worldview.

-Your child will have the opportunity to pursue interests outside of school at the same time that they are learning inside of it.

-Boarding schools can be expensive. Day school tuition costs significantly less than boarding school, making it more accessible for families who may not otherwise be able to afford it.

-A greater sense of community at day schools. At most boarding schools, students spend most of their time with other students from different places and backgrounds—which can lead to isolation. At a day school, on the other hand, students spend more time with their classmates and teachers and develop lifelong friendships with them.

-Increased academic performance at day schools. Studies show that students who attend day schools perform better academically than boarding schools (it’s not just because they’re more motivated).


Bishop Cottons Girls School

 Bishop Cottons Girls School

Students from nursery through junior and high school are prepared at Cottons for the challenges that lie ahead because of its rich tradition of all-around education.

Since its establishment by the Rev. S. T. Pettigrew in 1865, Bishop Cotton Girls’ School has continuously educated thousands of girl students, enabling them to develop into strong, independent women. The Cotton Girls will leave their imprint whether they are corporate leaders, doctors, engineers, teachers, nurses, homemakers, or scientists.


Bishop Cotton Girls’ School is the best girls’ school in Bangalore for day scholars.

The school has an international curriculum and a strong emphasis on academic excellence.

The teachers are highly qualified, with many having earned their degrees outside of India. They bring their international experience and knowledge to the classroom, where they pass it on to students through engaging lessons that encourage critical thinking and problem-solving.

The students at Bishop Cotton are encouraged to think independently but also taught to respect authority and follow rules.

This combination of structure and freedom makes Bishop Cotton Girls’ School an excellent educational option for girls who want to pursue a path of higher education after graduation.

Extra Curricular Activities

Bishop Cotton Girls’ School is the best girls’ school in Bangalore for day scholars. It has been recognised by the Department of Education as an English-medium school, and it offers courses in humanities, science, commerce and languages. The school also offers an array of extra-curricular activities for students, including sports and music lessons.

The school has an excellent academic record, with its students consistently achieving top grades in university entrance exams. It also has an impressive extracurricular program, which includes sports such as tennis, basketball and volleyball; dance classes; drama/theatre productions; literary magazines; as well as community service projects.

Fee Structure

The following system of fee collection was adopted for the convenience of the parents and the school:

Throughout the school year, a fee card will be given to each student. The fees must be paid within the allotted time, otherwise, a fine of Rs. 20 (Rupees Twenty) will be assessed daily. The full amount of the fees could alternatively be paid at the start of the academic year.

The Fee Card System lets parents know how much money is owed to them and gives them a quick overview of their accounts for the entire year.

The Bank of India is conveniently located next to the school, where the fees must be paid.

Arrears-related defaulters who are subject to a fine may have their privileges suspended until all fees are paid.

Payments to the bank may be made in cash, and each time a transaction is made, a receipt must be requested.


A Day scholar will be required to pay fees for the entire term if withdrawal occurs in the middle of the academic year. If a border withdraws in the middle of the academic year, they are still responsible for the full year’s boarding costs.

Discounts Students who attend the CSI (Church of South India) KCD are eligible for a fee reduction.

Email: bcgs@bishopcottongirls.com


Ultimately, the decision to send your child to a day school or a boarding school will come down to you and your family. If you have no reservations about sending your child to a boarding school. Hopefully, this post has made you think about all the pros and cons of both day and boarding schools so that you make an informed decision on what is best for your child’s education.

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