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Boarding Schools in Dehradun

Boarding Schools in Dehradun

The 3rd Annual Exhibition was held on Oct 17, 2014, giving the girls a platform to showcase their creative talent. The girls had been working enthusiastically to make the event a success. The whole school had a festive look with colorful exhibits and artwork displayed by various departments.

The English Department celebrated ”Phenomenal Woman” with the girls representing women protagonists across all ages in English literature, while scenes from the epic tale”The Mahabharata” were depicted in the Hindi exhibition. In one room the Tomatina Fhttps://www.ecoleglobale.com

estival, the Matador and the Spanish cuisine gave everyone a taste of the Spanish culture and in the very next room, the French dresses, the French cafes and the wine gave the guests a feel of French finesse. The Psychology exhibition conducted simple tests which helped people know themselves better. The Math Department emphasized the importance of mathematical calculations in our day to day lives. E-commerce, International trade and Corporate Social Responsibility were the highlights of the commerce exhibition. In the Science Exhibition, the young scientists made people travel into the future with the time machine. The parents and the guests congratulated the students for their innovative ideas and creative work.

The afternoon ended with everyone enjoying the food at the stalls.

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