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You are currently viewing COVID 19: HEALTH CRISES AROUND THE WORLD
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  • Post last modified:Feb 2, 2021


Today we are facing a COVID-19 pandemic all around the world. The definition of a normal lifestyle has changed; we are frightened to step out of our house, to dine-in in a restaurant, or to hit the gym. The lockdown has been revoked, but still, the people are afraid to go back to the normal lifestyle because still many people are dying because of COVID-19 and the situation is still not in our control.

The COVID-19 has such a significant impact in our lives that there are many other things which are being overlooked because of this outbreak. Apart from COVID-19, there are many other health crises which are being faced by people all around the world. But due to the COVID-19 outbreak, those things are somehow not being in the proper light, and so the people are not aware of it.

Let us have a quick look at the health crises around the world.


The rate of child deaths is increasing rapidly in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. Talking about figures nearly four out of five deaths of children under the age of five are reported from this region. In the Sub-Saharan Africa region children under the age of 5 are more likely to die as compared to those in the wealthy countries.


According to the UN, COVID-19 has resulted in severe healthcare disruptions which can reverse decades of healthcare improvement done by us. This healthcare disruption can result in additional deaths of children under the age of five in the coming years. The COVID-19 outbreak has interrupted several childhood immunization programmes around the world in around 70 countries.


People are afraid of visiting healthcare centres or hospitals to get regular checkups or even in case of urgent medical need. This would result in an increase in the number of people dying and getting ill by a contagious disease.


According to the UN, HIV is the primary cause of death for women in the reproductive age all over the world. As people are not getting the proper healthcare services due to COVID-19 outbreak, this would result in a spike in the number of deaths due to malaria in Sub-Saharan Africa.


The COVID-19 pandemic severely impacts our medical industry. The production and distribution of medicines are severely affected due to lockdowns and border closures. Some of the data estimates show us that the prices of antiretroviral drugs from India could rise to 25 per cent higher than the normal price.


Due to lack of proper medical services, there have been many maternal deaths all over the world. Looking on the stats
Lower and middle-income countries have reported nearly 94 per cent of maternal deaths.
More than 40 per cent of countries have fewer than ten medical doctors per 10000 people.
More than 55 per cent of countries have fewer than 40 nurses and midwifery staff per 10000 people.

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