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How To Avoid Addiction Of Social Media?

Social media play such a big part in the modern generation. Social media can intensify your life by permitting you to link with old friends and share essential moments in your life. Statistics represent that billions of people across the world use social media, and some of them are suffering from social media and internet addictions. The teenager spends up to 9 hours a day on social media; on the other hand, the average person spends 2 to 4 hours a day on it.

Nowadays, it’s common to see that even a nine years old child stick to a phone. At that instant you take yourself back to the nine-year-old you playing with your friends in the park, entirely unaware of the technology. But in today’s world, technology completely replaced the traditional forms of socializing. It’s not only with children and teens even adults are also busy with their social life. So the question arises about how to avoid the addiction to social media. Because, if the social media do not handle properly, it can become an addiction that can dominate your time and affect your work as well as relationships.

Social media also have many advantages, but the addiction to social media is inadequate. If you feel that you are becoming addicted to social media, so there is no need to worry as we have points on how to avoid the addiction to social media. If you need some relief from the digital noise, or you are suffering from social media exhaustion. Then must follows these strategies to avoid its addiction.

Here Are The Steps On How To Avoid The Addiction Of Social Media:

1. Turn Off Notifications

Turn Off Notifications

If you want to avoid the addiction to social media, then the first step that you have to follow is to turn off the Notifications of social media platforms. The notification may disturb your normal routine because we are continuously drawn to our phones with every buzz sound or flash from the notification light, so when you stop your notifications, you might find it easier to focus on your daily routine and also not get distracted so easily. The notification is a continuous reminder that something takes place in the online world, and you might feel like you are missing out. So turn off the notification is the best way to avoid your addiction to social media. It’s one of the easiest ways to reduce your time spent on social media

2. Get A New Hobby

New Hobby

When you get a new hobby, then it is easy for you to avoid addiction to social media. You have a lot of time to do many things, but you may waste all the time on social media. If you get a new hobby to fill your spare time, then you could limit the use of social media. You could also learn a new skill or do something you have always wanted to do but never had time because you wasted all the time on social media. When you use less social media, you will likely surprise yourself how much time you have. Along with this, your new hobby will keep your hand and mind obsessed when you are carving social media.

3. Be Cautious of Time Spent On Social Media

Time Spent On Social Media

Social media is a powerful force that attracts millions or billions of people towards itself and makes users lose all the sense of time. Before scrolling through your several social media feeds, setting a time limit to avoid social media addiction. Time is very precious things, so don’t waste it only scrolling your phone. Social media is all about wasting your time, not all the things but some of them are unnecessary. Even the excess use of social media is not good for your mind. Set the timer and when you reach your limit be strong and don’t be enticed to add o extra time. Make sure that you will pass on this test; this will be a strong test of your will power; however, in the end, it will be worth.

4. Create The Physical Distance With Your Devices

Physical Distance With Your Devices

When you want to avoid the addiction of social media, so it is important to create physical distance between you and your devices as we knew that in today’s world it is difficult to stay away with smartphones, but at least at night, we can create a physical distance with the devices. If you sleep with your smartphone next to your bed, then it is essential to change this habit. Before sleeping, stay away with your smartphones because this habit permits you to get a good sleep and concentrate on mindfulness. This will also help you to focus on studies because social media creates a distraction on studies. So make sure that you create a physical distance with your smartphone.

5. Make Plans For Real-Time Connections

Real-Time Connections

In today’s world, we frequently spend as much time in our social relationships, we are busy in making online friends and followers, but we forget our real-time connections. The face to face time and the real-time connection is stronger and powerful than anything over the social media. So instead of keeping up to date with your family and friends in your social media. Spend some time with them in the real world and make memories.

Along with the disadvantages, social media also have many advantages, but the addiction to anything is not good. We have used social media on the limit because the limitless things can create problems in our lives. So, avoid the unnecessary use of social media and use it as per your requirements.

6. Delete Unnecessary Social Media Accounts

Delete Unnecessary Social Media Accounts

Unnecessary social media accounts can also create a distraction. So if you want to avoid the addiction of social media, then delete the social media accounts you don’t use. It’s another important step to staying away from social media or kicking a social media addiction because unnecessary social media apps are the main reason for distraction. Clear your smartphone and delete all the unnecessary platforms. This task may seem difficult, but it is essential to avoid addiction to social media. 

 Along with the disadvantages, social media also have many advantages, but the addiction of anything is not good. We have use social media on the limit because the limitless things can create problems in our lives. So, avoid the unnecessary use of social media and use as per your requirements. 

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