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How to write thank you letter to teacher

Teachers! Words will not be enough to describe how essential teachers are in everyone’s life. Teachers are those who can change the world by just chalks and books. As there’s a saying by brilliant scientist Albert Einstein, ‘it is the supreme act of teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge’.

Teachers should be praised for a life-time

In everyone’s life, there’s a stage when they realize the importance of their teacher. Teachers have a great heart to teach little minds through their whole efforts and guidance. Teachers have many roles in students’ life as they encourage us, shows us the way to lightening the future and last but not the least teaching.

The teaching profession is considered to be the mother of other professions. No-one would be an engineer, doctor or scientist without the help of teachers. Don’t you think teachers are the real hero of everyone’s life? They contribute all their life by teaching students, making them education rock stars and accepting various challenges.

Teachers are like candles that brighten everyone’s future. Your dreams come true only because of their guidance and their effort. Teachers never have inequality for their students. Every student is unique in the teacher’s eyes. They have to accept various challenges for a life-time as there are different types of students at each stage.

Teaching is one of the toughest professions ever. But as there’s a popular anonymous quote, which would explain my thoughts in a better way here, “your heart is slightly bigger than the average human heart, but that’s because you’re a teacher”. The teacher makes impossible dreams of students possible. Teaching is just of few minutes but helpful for the whole life-time. So let’s have a few minutes for those teachers by thanking them for making our life delightful.

Things to be mentioned in the letter

Teachers don’t live to get appreciated for their work by students. But the teacher would love it if students appreciate them by giving small presents. Following are points to show your gratitude in a letter:

  • Mention a little funny and harden stories with your teachers. That will make them laugh and happy that you appreciated that.
  • Express your gratitude towards them
  • Mention the favorite thing you liked about their teaching ways.
  • The memorable day you had spent with the teacher. E.g. teacher’s day.
  • A handwritten letter is more effective as it shows that you made efforts for their smile.
  • Add some positive things about your teacher, which makes him/her different from others.
  • Add some inspiring quotes in a letter to have a personal touch on a letter.
  • Must mention that only because of them, you are a better person.

Things not to be mentioned in the letter

  • Never write a letter to obtain good passing marks in the examination. It is considered illegal and can rusticate you from school.
  • Avoid writing a letter in an offended way. The insult of the teacher will be insulting the studies on which you will be dependent for a life-time.
  • Never buy any expensive gift for teacher excepting that they would give you in return. Teacher daily gives you the most expensive gift that is giving guidance and their hard efforts by teaching you.

Sample of letter writing

April 21, 2018

Dear Sahil Sir,

Thank you so much for improving my math skills. I’m doing engineering, and it’s all because of your hard efforts and guidance. I remember that your way to taught math was so different and effective. You often enhance the learning of math by doing some fun activities and giving chocolates to a winning person. Your friendly attitude to students makes you different from other teachers.

“Because my teacher faith in me, I never gave up. Now I’m flying towards my dreams,” every-time when I read this quote it reminds me of you. I remember there was a time where I lost my confidence to crack the exam but your belief in me, made me encouraged. Today whatever I’m is because of your motivation and hard efforts.

I have also noticed that you never hesitate to answer our silly questions and to repeat the same lesson for 100 times. You daily come earlier and sets-up all the activities to make math simplest for us. Thank-you maybe not enough for your such an forgetful work. You are and will be my favorite teacher for a lifetime.


(mention you signature)

Kunal shah


They spent thousands of hours in class to teach students to be a better person. Having a good teacher is the God-given gift to us. Teachers spent their whole life by fulfilling and giving guidance to students’ dreams. Today every successful hotel manager to a doctor is grateful to their teacher. Giving appreciation to your teacher, you will also feel good.

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