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International Girls schools in Dehradun

International Girls schools in Dehradun

Kathmandu, Jun 6 (PTI) Four Indian women bikers today started their 10-nation tour from the Nepalese capital here in which they will cover over 10,000 km to propagate the Indian governments “Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao” campaign in the South East Asian countries.

The tour was flagged off by Indian Ambassador to Nepal Ranjit Rae from premises of Indian Embassy here.

The team from India are on an All-Women 10-Nation Ride propagating the “Beti Bachao, BetiPadhao” (Save Girl Child, Educate Girl Child) campaign in the South East Asian countries.

In this first-ever attempt, enthusiastic women bikers from the female biking club, Biking Queens, will ride 10,000 kms for 36 days and cover 10 nations ?- Nepal, India, Bhutan, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia and Singapore, for a cause, the Indian Embassy here said in a statement.

Sarika Mehta, Yugma Desai, Khyati N Desai, and Durriya M Tapia are the four women adventurers taking part in the biking tour, it said. PTI SBP AJR ZH AJR

Kudos to these great souls 🙂

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