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Nirbhaya’s mother says she will wait for another week for justice when she has waited for seven long years

New Delhi: In December 2012, one crime of brutal gang rape and murder in a moving bus, jolted the entire nation. She succumbed to her injuries on December 29th at Mount Elizabeth Hospital in Singapore. It ignited an awakening against the crimes that were happening, but the public was suffering in silence. This case broke the silence of the common and forced the government to take strict action against the lazy legal procedures and demanded justice for the crimes that happened to Nirbhaya– victim, in the dead of night.

Latest in this case Asha Devi, mother of Nirbhaya has said that she will wait (for the death warrant of the convicts in this case) for another week when she has already waited for seven long and dreadful years. On December 17th a review plea would be heard from the convict Akshay Singh before a three-judge bench headed by Justice S.A. Bobde. Asha Devi was opposing this review plea and now has said that she is ready to wait until the panel of judges reviews this plea. “I will approach the Supreme Court. The lawyer of the accused should have been pulled up a long time ago… I’m glad the court has rapped him,” Asha Devi told media persons on Friday. She further added- “I have waited for seven years; can’t wait for one more week. I will continue my fight for justice and will go to any extent for it.”

Akshay Thakur, one of the four convicts in the case, filed his petition on Wednesday, December 11th. He moved the Supreme Court on Tuesday for a review of its 2017 judgment, saying “executions only kill criminals, not the crime.”

“At least, I have to wait till the time appeal for a review is pending,” -Additional Sessions Judge Satish Kumar Arora said on Friday. “My view is that once the review is pending before the Supreme Court, let’s wait for the outcome,” the judge said. “Since his (Akshay Thakur) review petition is pending before SC for December 17th, I would adjourn it for December 18th.”

Demanding death warrants against the convicts, the prosecution said: “The court can issue death warrant. Nothing prevents the court from issuing death warrants.”

The review pleas filed by the other three convicts — Mukesh (30), Pawan Gupta (23) and Vinay Sharma (24), were dismissed by the Supreme Court on July 9th 2018 on the grounds of not finding merit in the petitions. One of the accused in the case, Ram Singh, had allegedly committed suicide at Tihar Jail in Delhi and a juvenile, who was among the accused, was convicted by a juvenile justice board. Later, he was released from a rectification home after serving a three-year term.

(news source- news18.com)

This article is contributed by Ecole Globale International School.

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