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Nirbhaya Case – Delhi HC dismisses juvenile plea of the convict

New Delhi: In the verdict of the Nirbhaya rape and murder case (2012), one of the four convicts pleaded for juvenile pardon which was dismissed by the Delhi High court on Thursday, December 19, 2019. The convict’s advocate AP Singh was charged a fine of Rs. 25 k by Justice Suresh Kumar Kait, for being a no show in the court during the hearing of the plea.

The court asked the Bar Council from Delhi to take an action against the convict’s advocate for producing wrong documents as the testimony in the favor of the juvenile of the convict. Other than Pawan Kumar Gupta, who moved the request guaranteeing juvenile, the other three convicts for the case are Mukesh, Vinay Sharma and Akshay Kumar Singh – all of them have been awarded death warrants.

The case was a horrifying one which created an awakening in the public against the heinous crimes done to a 23-year-old paramedic student. She was brutally raped and ruthlessly injured. The convicts pulled out her flesh and intestines and gang raped her and threw her out on the road, naked. The entire crime took place on the cold night of December 16, 2012 in a moving bus in south Delhi. Later, the victim succumbed to her injuries on December 29, 2012 at a medical clinic in Singapore.

The police in this case was swift in making the arrests of the convicts and since then all the convicts have been awarded death sentences for their crimes against Nirbhaya. One of the convicts died in police custody and the other one pleaded juvenile which was recently dismissed. On the matter of the verdict, the mother of the victim- Asha Devi, has expressed her gratitude towards the Indian legal system that after all these years Nirbhaya will finally rest in peace.

(news source- Times of India)

This article is contributed by Ecole Globale International School.

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