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  • Post last modified:Feb 2, 2021


Summer holidays are a time where every kid gets some time away from their school schedule, daily homework, and teachers. Kids sometimes waste all of their holidays doing nothing relevant, and at the end of summer, kids and their parents think that they have done nothing new but spent all the holidays.

Holidays are indeed a time for fun and sneaking out from the daily school routine. But kids and their parents should not forget that it is also a perfect time to develop new skills, venture into some new hobbies, complete the holiday homework and whatnot. 

Wasting all the summer holidays away from books can also make the kids lose some of the basics of subjects. Then after the summer break, when the school will start again, it can have a considerable impact on your kids’ academic performance.

You can always mix and match things. Despite letting him waste all his summer holidays, you as a responsible parent can help your child in getting involved in many activities. He can learn new things, work on his physical health, start reading, etc. there are a lot of activities to do apart from just sitting all day and watching TV or just playing all day outside or inside the house. Remember, excess of anything is not good. So try to keep a balance between things and make a plan for his summer holidays.

Planning activities during the summer holidays can be a tough task. You can get into a lot of confusion and dilemma, so here we have compiled a few events for you, which can be included in the summer holiday plan.

  • Develop a habit of reading

Make your child read for at least 20 minutes every day.

  • Cooking together

He will learn how to cook, and you both will get to spend more time together.

  • Explore different genres

Once he has developed an interest in reading, ask him to explore different reading materials like picture books, chapter books, and magazines.

  • Enroll him in a local library

He can complete his holiday homework and also read different books in the library. The library will give him a perfect environment to make a connection with books.

  • Make use of technology.

With the advent of technology, even the books are now available in the audio format. You can always make your child listen to the audiobooks on summer car trips or anywhere.

  • How about some reading together? 

Take out some time from your daily schedule and Read aloud with your children daily. This will improve his speaking skills, and he would be able to speak clear words.

  • Develop new skills 

A holiday should be more about spending some time in knowing your capabilities and learning new skills. It can be fun and a learning experience.

  • Talk to your kids

Try to get engaged with them in a meaningful conversation and empower them with knowledge and wisdom. You can also help your kids to learn new words and thus improve their vocabulary.

  • Grab a new hobby

Holidays are the best time to develop an interest in a new hobby and learn it. It can be dance, swimming, or playing musical instruments. Ask him to Learn and enjoy his new hobby. 

  • Complete summer holiday homework

While enjoying the summer holidays, do not forget that your kid might have got a lot of holiday homework from school. Ask him to start doing it on the first day of the holiday. This way, he won’t end up regretting the end of the summer holidays and won’t face the scolding of teachers.

  • Exercise daily

Summer can be an excellent time to focus on some physical health. And this way, a new routine can also be implanted in his daily schedule. Exercise, even for a few minutes in a day, can do wonders for our physical and mental health.

  • Fun games together with family

There are many games which you can play with your kids and enjoy together. Holidays can be a great time to grow up your family bond. 

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