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Top 10 girls schools in india

Top 10 girls schools in india

Riiiinnnnggg..went the bell ! I woke up with excitement for the first day of the Synergy Camp. I rushed down to where my closet was and picked up various things and rushed into the bathroom. I brushed my hair and teeth and changed into the sports uniform. I ran down to the cafeteria and felt stifled with the rush of kids crowding everywhere! Top 10 boarding schools in India Soon after breakfast we were briefed and led to the first activity that was pottery. This was the first time for many of us and actually being able to create one s own little clay pot thrilled us. After 45 minutes of pottery we went for Juice Break which is always welcome.

The next activity for my group was Zumba. I didn’t really have the knowledge of what Zumba was all about,untill someone said “dancing” and  i was like ,”Whatttt! ” because  i thought i disliked dancing, and honestly, I am not very good at it. However, when the activity was over, I was so sad that it got over because surprisingly, I
really, really enjoyed myself, especially the music. The next 45 minutes were spent playing
team building games under the guidance of Mr. Bhandari and Mr. Dutt. It was great fun but of course, very tiring too
since we were in the hot sun most of the time. Time was flying and before we knew it, it was lunch time- another usual favourite time of the day! soon after lunch, we went for ‘bamboo’craft If I asked anyone they would probably say it was boring, but we did make some pretty cool stuff. The BEST activity of the day was indeed aerobics! I have to admit that this was extremely enjoyable not because two young boys were teaching us but because of the way we moved! My friends and I could hardly take it seriously, it was a lot of fun. The activites weren’t the only part of the
day it was followed by training for various sports. At the end of it all we were only too happy to be back in our dormitory and just relax. Some of us played, some sang, a few danced and the rest watched T.V. Later in the
evening, we went for the bonfire and sang some really nice camp songs. The dinner, that followed, no doubt, was great! I loved it! Then was the moment I had been waiting for .. sleeping in the tent! It was a fantastic experience, except for when the dogs began barking at midnight. I would do anything to get into that tent again. The most amazing part was that I got to spend the night with my best friends. We spent the time talking about all
possible things (will keep the details of this to myself). We must have fallen asleep after midnight. It was really great!
The next two days were the repeat of the same routine. The only thing that changed was that sadly it was not us but the seniors in the tents.
Natalia Teig

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