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Ecole Globale Top Girls Boarding Schools In Dehradun Is Awesome

I entered the gates of the new world of Ecole, and what my eyes beheld was an ethereal sight difficult to describe, nature in its purest form and infrastructure to compliment the surroundings. Top Schools in Dehradun, Uttarakhand- (India). I could never imagine that such a place existed and now it was going to be a part of my life. What more could I ask for?

The Principal, the teachers, the administrative staff, the didis, they all were there for me as if they had known me all along. Mrs. Ghosh, the Principal, was so easily approachable. Soon I found myself on my way to…..my room. ‘Dorms’ said the didi; enthusiastically pulling me into what I thought would be an endless, narrow corridor of bunk beds. My jaw dropped at the sight of the beautifully furnished space that was going to be my home for the next two years. A group of welcoming girls soon flooded me with a million questions, trying to get to know me. Little did I know that months after those fresh moments, the Principal would continue being as nurturing as she was the same “I’m all ears” attitude. The didis, as much as it would torture them to wake me up every morning, were so close and dear to me. The ‘dorm’, now my house; the ‘group of girls’, now my family, best friends and partners in crime. Crime, as in hiding a chocolate, which we could easily get from the cafeteria, my very own 5 star restaurant with buffet laid out brimming with all kinds of delicacies- perfect escape from the regular roti sabzi! Classrooms, bright with the kind of aura which made me feel like the biggest nerd alive (imagine how strong an aura that was which made you want to study). Top Girls Boarding School Dehradun, Uttarakhand– (India) -Teachers are the life-line of every school and my teachers here are my guides, mentors, friends and above all ever present companions.

It is what I learned at Ecole that makes me this confident person I am today. Endless experiences, wise teachings, fun moments, a harmony of these and many more which gets my eyes moist at the thought of bidding adieu to the kind of heaven on earth experience at Ecole – The place you join crying, knowing it’s a ‘boarding school’ and leave crying, knowing it’s been the best years of your life.

People seek life coaches to seek direction in life. But as for me, my life coach has been Ecole. The transformation from fearful and nervous to becoming self-confident; from not having any bearings to having a concrete direction; all this and more are the gifts my school bestowed upon me.

Situations in life can be overcome, problems can be resolved, paths can be found and dreams can be achieved. Today I am capable of this because of what has been instilled in me. I have a long way to go in life, overcome hurdles, offer guidance and contribute to the well being of others.

I have expressed what I have experienced, what I honestly and truly feel about my school but as much as I may say I will never be able to show enough gratitude for the way they have nurtured me and every student residing here. I came here to be educated and I leave here being enlightened in the art of living.

The Banyan may seem as a simple yearbook, but it is more than that, it is a window to our coveted world that once you’re exposed to, will leave you in complete awe of this small and loving family. I welcome you to the blissful world of Ecole through the pictures and written work, which may not seem to be much, but if looked into deeply will definitely fill your hearts with candid bliss, pride and joy.

Ecole Globale International Girls School

Address :
Village Horawalla, Near Sahaspur
Dehradun – 248197, India

Email :

Mobile : +91-9557291888
Phone : 0135-3985400

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