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  • Post last modified:Sep 7, 2021


In every organization, there is a pre-established set of protocols that are needed to be abided by all the members. Similar to the laws and regulations of a country, a school also has several rules that are required to be followed by the kids at various instances of time. This is done to maintain the discipline and decorum of any institute. It does not matter where a student gets his/ her education. Some basic ground rules are common to every organization. There is a specific code of conduct that every child needs to follow. These rules and regulations should not be considered to be restricting to the student. Instead, these should be regarded as a necessary part of a child’s growth and development process.

A parent or a child should be aware of what is aspired to by a child. A student should realize his/ her responsibilities as a citizen of society. Here are some rules that middle schoolers should follow to practice sincerely. As a parent, it is your responsibility to educate your child about these rules and instruct them to follow them:-


Every schools in Dehradun adheres to a specific dress-code. This formal dress code requires a child to dress-up decently in a neat and presentable manner. Specific essential values and life lessons are learned in this stride. When a student follows the dress-code as entrenched by the schools, they learn about being tidy and well- dressed. 

This also established equity among the students, as the disparities regarding the type of clothes a person wears also gets eliminated. Standard rules relating to the dress code include- a skirt above the knee, proper policed shoes, a tie if necessary, hair tied neatly, no makeup or accessories, etc. All these rules should be seen in a positive light as they establish equality among the students. 


All students are required to abide by the social conduct and behavior rules. A strict action or procedure could also be followed against a student if he or she is involved in socially unacceptable behavior, if he or she disrupts the lecturers, teachers or bus conductors, if he or she uses profane and abusive language, or if he or she participates in vandalism, etc. 

Additionally, your child will be held responsible and awarded for excellent behavior, as well as completion and submission of school assignments or projects, being punctual and disciplined, and not getting involved in some cruel practices such as cheating and also instructing the fellow students not to do the same.

Proper social behavior is not only essential for schools, but it is also crucial for the later phases of life. A person to ensure success should be efficiently able to communicate with people. For this, he/ she needs to act in an informed and responsible manner.


It’s crucial to understand that there are certain things that are not allowed in a school’s premises. Such items include weapons, drugs, or other commodities that may cause personal harm or injury. Not only schools but such things are also condemned in other organizations and prohibited by the law. Cigarettes, crackers and fireworks, alcohol, and drugs, etc. are different things that are forbidden. The school authorities have every right to confiscate such items and take strict action against the students for the same. In several instances, faculties might restrict the use of specific electronic devices such as smartphones or personal game consoles and accessories.


In every school, there is a limit to the number of absences and leaves in a year. If a child exceeds this, the action is taken by the school. There are several exceptions due to medical health emergencies and other uncalled events. These can be exempted from any measure, but a prior notice still needs to be submitted to the authorities. 

Educate your child about the leaves and absences permitted by the schools and make sure they do not exceed the limit. As dangerous actions might be taken, and your child may face an issue to sit for the exams, etc.


Bullying has attracted a lot of concerns within the media in the past few years. Bullying is a serious issue that should be tackled by schools. Every school needs to have a strict policy for the same. Bullying can be in the form of physical or mental harm. 

If your child is acting aggressively towards another student, you must take a firm stand and reprimand your child for the same. 


Anything that goes against the law prescribed by the government is considered an unlawful activity. Educate your child about such acts and tell them about the adverse effects caused due to them. Theft, gambling, molestation, etc. are few of such laws.

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