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Why you should choose boarding school for your child

Whether boarding schools are the correct choice for your child or not, totally depends on your urge to explore good boarding schools in India through any means (newspaper, social media platforms, etc.). The very first thing you gotta do is, scrap off any preconceptions or negative ideas created earlier, that revolves around boarding schools in India. Sensational stories reinforced by media has to be ignored; they hardly focus on the correct facts. 

Hence, it is important to pay a visit and check with the facilities and faculty, yourself. You are always a call or mail away from booking an appointment to visit the boarding school, yourself. The second thing to worry about is its hefty fees. Most of the boarding schools these days have financial aid programmes. Either it waives away the entire fees (provided you have supporting documents), or they provide scholarship to physically or mentally impaired students or meritorious ones.

These are five points to keep in mind while choosing the best boarding school for your child:

  1. If you want to stretch your daughter, then boarding school is definitely the best place for her initial stage of attaining education. She would be able to embark upon a great journey where she explores a plethora of academic courses to choose from. She will be having her own opinion, which is a point to laud for. She would not be able to hide herself from expressing thoughts and opinions as classes are compact, which will allow her to discover the strength and weakness of herself. Students, who are motivated and dedicated to learn concepts, comprehensively should actually go for boarding schools for seeing a considerably positive change in life.
  2. Boarding schools have a comparatively, healthier philosophy in comparison to public schools. They maintain a good equilibrium between curricular and co-curricular activities, as in, the syllabus has been set in such a manner so that equal weight age to sports and academics is ensured.
  3. Parents fear of children falling into the trap of wrong people. Physical or emotional abuse are quite a worrisome matter, including the idea of connecting with those students who have no aim or aspirations. Boarding schools ensure the holistic development of a child. Such schools in India not only make students aware about the functioning of a stock market or solving a difficult algebraic equation, but it works as an institution of growth, altogether. They also intake those students who aspire to become a better human tomorrow. They have a limited number of seats due to their unique approach towards education, and they totally excel in the art of selection. Hence, a productive friendship is assured.
  4. Being able to make friends for life is a dream come true. It is important to ensure that your friends understand you, stay loyal with you and help you when in need and vice versa. When you live with your classmates round the clock, you get to know their personality, appreciate the way they are, accept their differences and mix with them, well. The variety and variability of students ensure your child to stretch her network around the globe.
  5. Boarding schools are selective about recruiting faculty members. They will always prefer recruiting candidates who “Major” in a particular field rather than just pursue “Elective courses” in several fields. Hence, quality education is the most important factor in boarding schools.


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