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Role of Education in the Empowerment of Women in India

Education plays a very important role in any person’s life, irrespective of their gender. Every move one makes is based and judged on the basis of the education they have received in their life. It is a miserable fact that a few people still oppress the education of young girls. About 57 million kids far and wide don’t go to school. The report finds that 95% of the 28.5 million kids are not even getting an elementary school education, they live in low-income nations – 44% in sub-Saharan Africa, 19% in south and west Asia and 14% in the Arab states, UNESCO said in the report. Top girls’ boarding schools in India signifies and magnify the importance of women education in the country. When we talk about the education of the women, it is important to note that women’s education has a ripple effect on society such as –

  1. FUTURE EDUCATED GENERATIONS – An African axiom says that if we teach a young woman, we instruct an entire family – and an entire country. By sending a young girl to a school, she is unmistakably guaranteeing that her kids likewise get an education and thus benefiting the country. The educated woman also, directly and indirectly, contributes to increasing infant and maternal mortality rates.
  2. REDUCTION IN CHILD MARRIAGE: Child marriage – at times includes young girls as young as 6 or 8 years – quite often brings about the finish of that girl’s education. The outcome is unskilled or scarcely proficient young moms without satisfactory instruments to manufacture solid, taught and functional families. Educated women know that only an educated woman would bring more to the table with her partner; therefore, before she is married off, she should first be given the necessary education.
  3. LESSENING IN POPULATION EXPLOSION: Educated ladies will, in general, have less (yet more advantageous) children. Unlike before with the elevation of women’s education around the world and reproductive precautions made publicly available, women do not borne more than two children, thus helping in reduction of the population problem of the country.
  4. IMPROVED SOCIOECONOMIC GROWTH: Educated ladies have a noteworthy possibility of getting away from neediness, driving more beneficial and progressively gainful lives, and increasing the expectation of living for their children, families, and social networks.

These and a lot more are a few of the important reasons why we should all support in education for young women. Women education is very crucial, and the role of boarding school is quite significant in this. There are many Top girls’ boarding school in India and support this cause by providing superior educational and professional platforms to the girls. Ècole Globale International Girls School in Dehradun is one of the finest options to consider for an all-girls’ boarding school in India. It was launched in April 2012 and is affiliated to the Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) and the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). 

It was established and has upheld its motive- Empowering the women of the country and since then has gained tremendous popularity among the masses who value women education. It stands at a reputable position in the list of girls’ boarding school. Following is the list of a few pointers that would support my argument that good boarding schools in India are working towards lifting building and providing better education and better professional exposure and opportunities-

  1. Parental and network contribution – Families and networks must be significant accomplices with these schools in creating educational programs. 
  2. Minimal effort and adaptable timetables – Basic education ought to be free or cost practically nothing. Where conceivable, there ought to be stipends, scholarships and grants to support them financially. Additionally, the timetables are adaptable so that they can pursue their interests outside the academic curriculum.
  3. Relevant educational programs – Learning materials are significant to the girls’ requirement to build a sustainable life and most top girls’ boarding school in India offers multiple foreign languages for these girls to learn and hence opens new gateways for their career.

The pathway to educational hugeness exists in each of the Top girls’ boarding school in India. Boarding schools unquestionably give incredible comprehensiveness about life as it is or could be because their activities continue extensively even after the instructive time is done. Boarding schools shape the students for the hardships of the outside world. Students of a boarding school are sharp. They show assurance, organization, certainty, and compassion in their characteristics. Girls’ boarding school ensures a valuable experience inside the school, which at last refines their lifestyle quality. 

If you are inclined to send your girls child to one of the Top girls’ boarding schools in India, then your best options are Welham Girls School, Dehradun, Mayo College Girls School, Ajmer, Scindia Kanya Vidyalaya, Gwalior, Ashok Hall Girls Residential School, Ranikhet, etc. Apart from these the Ècole Globale International Girls School, Dehradun is a remarkable name too. This association houses the awe-inspiring academic and extracurricular ventures enclosed in a stunning establishment.

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