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Benefits of Single Gender School for Girls
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  • Post category:school
  • Post published:Jul 1, 2021
  • Post last modified:Jul 30, 2021

Benefits of Single Gender School for Girls

Schools play significant roles in the upbringing of students. Single-gender education is an ancient approach that is gaining popularity nowadays.

That’s why having single-gender education or a school having an environment which consists of only one gender. This education happens in classrooms having either girls or boys.

There are many single-gender schools in India. But schools in Dehradun have made their mark in providing single-gender education either to boys or to girls.  Ecole Globale International Girls’ School  is a boarding school, known for offering education to the girls worldwide.

What is so attractive about single-gender schools & education?  What are its advantages?

How Do Girls Benefit of Single Gender School?

Does it really matter, whether your child attends a single gender or a co-ed school?

Here are some advantages of sending your daughter to an only girls’ school.

 1. Less Pressure on Students

In such school where students are either all girls or all boys, competition and peer pressure will not be highlighted. That means the field is leveled.

There are various subjects where girls excel more than boys like language, teaching, and poetry .

On the other hand, boys are sometimes better in the field of engineering, science and mathematics than female students. By attending a school where all students are of the same gender, there will be a relaxed atmosphere without competitions.

2. Students can concentrate more on Studies

Another main advantage of not studying with members of the opposite gender in classrooms is the prevention of distraction. In a mixed-classroom, it will be inevitable for girls and boys to be attracted to each other.

 3. Customized Sports Curriculum for Girls

When it comes to sports, boys and girls are different from each other. In Coed Schools, girls don’t get much exposure to sports as boys are more interested in sports.  

 In single gender Schools, designing Sports Activities can be easier and more effective for girls. Moreover, as sports activities are tailored for girls, they all get the chance to play their favorite sport.

4. Girls’ Schools Capitalize on girls different learning Styles

Girls’ schools understand the way how girls learn. They create an environment in which girls are constantly exposed to good examples of what they can be.

Furthermore, Girl students attending all-girls school experience more support from their classmates and teachers as compare to coed schools.

5. Inspirational Environment

Girl Students in single-gender schools can be interested or show interest in unconventional subjects without embarrassment.

In a girls’ school, female dancers, singers or authors can be invited to speak of their art and girls can ask questions without feeling shy as they would feel in a co-ed school.

In a girls’ school, female athletes or engineers can come and freely give talks where girls can feel more connected and inspired to achieve their Goals.

Therefore, single-gender schools can release students from gender stereotypes and carry their experiences ahead with them even into their future. It will prepare them better to face the world and be confident.

There are no. of other benefits to make your girls admitted to a girls’ school as she will have the opportunity to succeed in a more supportive environment which is tailored to meet her needs & learning styles.

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