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Coronavirus in India
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  • Post category:News
  • Post last modified:Feb 2, 2021


Because of the efficient and quick measures taken by the state government of Kerala, the three confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus were declared to be treated, this past week. Constant efforts are being made for the detection in the possibility of any new evidence. Recently on this past Monday, two recent cases of the COVID- 19 were reported from Delhi and Telangana. The two people have been tested positive to carry the respiratory illness due to the novel coronavirus.

This has summed up to a total of 5 confirmed cases in India till 02/ 03/ 2020. The two recently detected cases from Delhi and Telangana are said to have the following history:-

The Delhi patient is said to have travelled to Italy.
The Telangana patient is said to have travelled to Dubai.

The Union Health Ministry is taking all the critical measures and efforts are being made rapidly to prevent the spread of the virus and prepare the hospitals and wards.

So far, the coronavirus outbreak has been declared as a Global Health Emergency and an epidemic by the World Health Organization ( WHO). Nearly 2,912 infected people in China have died due to the effect of this virus. The virus has spread to about fifty-eight countries so far with the mortality rate of about 2%.

The Union Health Minister, Harsh Vardhan, addressed a press conference in New Delhi on Monday. He advised the people of the country to cancel their travelling plans to the foreign countries such as Iran, Italy, South Korea and Singapore. The patient is said to have self-reported their condition and after the tests, were confirmed to be positive. Vardhan added that the patient is stable and are being monitored closely. He also said that the Union Government is in contact with the authorities of Iran and Italy to evacuate all the Indians present there.

All the people returning from the suspected countries are being kept under surveillance. The travellers arriving from Kathmandu, Indonesia, Malaysia, Hong-Kong, South-Korea, China, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam and Japan are being screened continuously in all the major airports of the country.

557, 431 travellers have been assessed at the airports and about 12, 431 at the seaports. Approximately over ten lacs, people have also been evaluated in the states of Bihar, Uttarakhand, Uttar-Pradesh, West Bengal and Sikkim.

As of now, 37 suspects of the COVID-19 are hospitalised for showing the possible symptoms of the epidemic. The Union Health Ministry has confirmed that the country is well-equipped in the supply of all the major drugs to deal with the situation presently. A help-line has been established to clear the significant doubts of the people. The authorities are also making constant meetings and discussions to subdue the effects and spread of the novel coronavirus.


A man with susceptible symptoms have been recently hospitalised in Jaipur and is being kept under observation. This case has not yet been confirmed. The state itself has not reported any case of the COVID-19 till now.


After the confirmation of a case from Telangana on Monday, the government is set out to the task of tracking all the people who must have been in contact with the affected person. The infected person us a 25-year-old male software engineer from Bengaluru. He works in a city-bases software company and has had a history of travelling to Dubai for a business-related meeting. There he interacted with the people from Hong-Kong.

The Telangana health minister Etela Rajender gave the essential details on the case. He told that the software engineer had returned from Dubai to India, Bengaluru on 20th of February, 2020 and had left for Hyderabad two days later. After suffering from cold and fever, he went out to seek treatment in the Apollo Hospitals and after a week was referred to the government hospital, Gandhi Hospital on Sunday. On Monday he was reported to have been tested positive to carry the COVID-19.

The health officials have refrained from revealing the name of the software company and the name of the person, from preventing the possibility of panic generation. The tracking procedure of the people is being followed as per the protocol, confirmed the health official. The situation is speculated to be under control by the government, and the hospitals are being prepared with special wards to handle any possible outbreak of the virus.

The virus has spread significantly fast in the past few weeks, and the authorities all over the world are always alert. In a densely populated country like India, the virus outbreak can have severe effects, and hence the officials are taking all the necessary measures to prevent any such situation. The government is making continuous efforts, and all the preventive measures are being taken effectively.

UPDATE 04/ 03/ 2020
On Wednesday, the total confirmed cases shot up to 21 when 15 Italian tourists were tested to be positive in New Delhi. Two schools in Noida have been shut down as the panic arises in the capital city. The students of these schools had attended a party organized by the Delhi Resident who had recently returned from Italy. Two people in Agra who came in contact with the Delhi man are also said to be showing symptoms. The Jaipur case of the suspected Italian tourist has also been confirmed. The government has geared up its action plan, and the Health Ministry is organizing meetings and taking the necessary steps to control the virus.

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