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    Ecole Globale Accolades

    award for best girls boarding school
    placements by Ecole Globale
    Assosiates of Ecole Globale

    North India Karate Championship

    The North India Karate Championship 2023 was held on 6 th August. 650 students from seven states of India participated in it. Five Ecoliers represented the School and took part in two events Kata and Kumite. We came back with a tally of six medals.


    Event Kumite fight

    1- Shubhi Singh (Silver Medal)

    2- Naina Keshri (Silver Medal)

    3- Vrinda Banka (Bronze Medal)

    Event Kata

    1- Vrinda Banka (Silver Medal)

    2- Eva Dugar (Bronze Medal)

    3- Shubhi Singh (Bronze Medal)